1. Guide
  2. Companies
  3. Technical assessment

How does a developer solve a challenge?

This article helps to understand the programmer's perspective when they receive an invitation to take on a challenge.

This section offers a detailed view of a programmer's experience when undertaking a challenge on the NUWE platform. The screen is organized into three main sections:

  1. Header: This displays the main information about the challenge, providing a quick and accessible overview of the essential details that the programmer initially needs to know.
  2. Challenge description: This area delves into the context and objectives of the challenge, providing all the necessary information for the programmer to complete it correctly. It includes specific details about what is expected and any necessary technical requirements.
  3. Timeline: Located to the right of the screen, this component displays the steps to follow during the challenge and provides real-time updates on the score that the programmer is achieving.

Each section is designed to guide the programmer through the process, ensuring they have all the necessary resources for successful completion.


In the challenge header, key information about the challenge is presented. Here, you will find the name of the challenge alongside the specific profile being evaluated, the general category of the challenge, the level of difficulty, the technologies assessed, and the approximate duration needed to complete it.


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Challenge description

In the challenge description, programmers will find all the information necessary to effectively tackle the challenge:

  • This section begins by providing the context of the challenge, helping the programmer to understand their surroundings and the key aspects to consider.


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  • Then, the structure of the repository on which they will have to work is shown.


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  • Next, the objectives are found, which are clearly defined and specify what is expected to be achieved.


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  • Then, there are the instructions for submitting the challenge.


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  • Next is the evaluation rubric for the challenge.


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  • And finally, additional information is provided if necessary.


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Depending on the challenge and the corresponding category (software engineering, data science, cloud engineering, or cybersecurity), this framework may vary, such as including clarifications in certain sections or adding guides and requirements after the tasks section.


The timeline section is crucial for guiding the programmer through the development of the challenge from start to finish, showing the steps they must follow.


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Right below the title of this section, you will find the "More Info" button, which provides detailed information about each stage of the process. The steps include starting the challenge by clicking the "Start Challenge" button, cloning the repository locally for the programmer on the platform, developing the challenge by pushing all changes made to the repository, and finally, submitting the solution by clicking the "Submit Solution" button.



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Once the programmer clicks the "Start Challenge" button and waits a few seconds, a unique link will be generated. This link will allow them to copy the repository to their local system so that they can develop and manage all changes from there. As they push their updates, the score will automatically update and can be viewed right below the timeline.



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Finally, when the programmer clicks the "Submit Solution" button, the challenge will be considered complete. Their participation in the challenge will automatically update on the company's portal, marking the end of their involvement. Once the challenge is submitted, it cannot be modified.