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  2. Companies
  3. Technical assessment

Company dashboard

Learn how to use the NUWE company portal.

Welcome to the NUWE Company Portal. In this space, you can consult the information of users who have participated or are participating in the challenges you have contracted through our platform. You will not only have access to their results, but also all the necessary data to decide whether to accept or reject each programmer. Additionally, you can filter this information and download it in PDF or CSV format for use in other tools. If you need help or support, you will find our contact details in the sidebar.

Next, we will explain in more detail each of the parts that make up this portal.

Sign Up

To register, it is necessary that our sales team has previously contacted you requesting your email to provide you access to the Demo or your own company account. Once you receive confirmation from our team, you should go to this link. This link will redirect you to the screen shown below:


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You will need to click on the "Login" button located at the top right of the screen. Then, a pop-up will appear. In this pop-up, you should scroll down a bit and click on "Sign Up".


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Once you are here, the pop-up will change and you will need to enter the email address you gave to the sales team and set a password that meets the criteria shown in the image. After clicking continue, it will ask if you authorize the application to give you access to the company portal. You must accept.


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With this, you will receive an email at the account you have provided us, requesting that you validate your account. You will need to access the email and validate it.


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Ahora ya tendrás la cuenta verificada y te puedes volver a dirigir a jobs.nuwe.io/companies-dashboard para acceder a tu cuenta.

Log in

Once you are registered in the system, you can always access jobs.nuwe.io/companies-dashboard by clicking on "Login". If you have not yet logged in, the main screen will offer you the option to do so. Upon encountering the following image:


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You should click on the "Login" button, after which a popup will appear.


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In this popup, enter the email address and password that a member of our team has provided you. Finally, click on the "Continue" button to access the portal.



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The menu is located on the left side of the screen and includes all the necessary contact and support information for the company.


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Just below the company name and the "Challenges Dashboard" button, you will find a link to the tutorial, which redirects you to this same page. Additionally, you have access to NUWE's contact information for any questions, inquiries, or issues you need to resolve. Finally, we invite you to complete a feedback form. Your comments are valuable to us and help us improve and develop new features to enhance your experience.

Main screen

The main screen is organized into three distinct sections to facilitate your navigation and management of the challenges:

  1. Challenge Selector.
  2. Deliveries Table.
  3. Information about the challenge.

1. Challenge selector

In this section, you can select the challenge you wish to view from all those you have contracted with us.


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2. Submissions table

This section contains the main information of the platform: a table of users registered in the challenge. In the table, the fields are organized as follows:

  1. Rank: The order of the users in the table. Users are sorted from highest to lowest score. The user in 'Top 1' is the one who has scored the most points at the end of the challenge. For users with the same score, the tie-breaking criterion is [insert specific criterion]. Users who have not yet submitted are at the end of the table.
  2. %: This field shows the percentage of the solution that is correctly developed and, therefore, the percentage of the score that has been achieved.
  3. ✅/⛔: This field allows you to modify the status of each user, which not only facilitates the candidate selection process for the next phase or their rejection. This functionality helps to efficiently manage the results of the challenges and optimize both the selection processes and internal performance evaluation.
  4. Name: The first and last names of the users.
  5. Email: The email of the users.
  6. Score: The score they have achieved in the challenge.
  7. Start Date: The date and time they started the challenge.
  8. End Date: The date and time they completed the challenge.
  9. Duration: The time it took them to complete the challenge. It is the difference between "End Date" and "Start Date".
  10. Report: The summary PDF with the user's solution. There you can find the breakdown of their score by objectives.
  11. Solutions: The solution developed by the user. This file is downloadable so that it can be consulted. The download process may take a few minutes.

In the table, you can apply filters by clicking on the header of each column. This functionality allows you to refine and personalize the data display according to your specific needs.

Finally, at the top right of the table, you will find three useful options:

  1. Download the table data in CSV format, which allows you to import it into your database or Application Tracking System (ATS).
  2. Search for a specific item within the table.
  3. Display the table in full screen.


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3. Challenge details

The last section of the main screen is dedicated to providing detailed information about the selected challenge. Here, you will find the name of the challenge, a summary of its description, the technologies it assesses, and the link to the challenge. This link is the one you should share with all the programmers you want to participate in the challenge. If you want to see what the participants' experience is like when doing a challenge, you can do so by clicking here.

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